Controlling IT business is more and more Internet depended. One of the current trend in IT sector is managing company by using cloud computing. It is no longer pure connection issue, but rather space within the cloud that offers instant access to unlimited IT resources.
Huawei analytics prognosticate that within 10 years every single IT infrastructure will be based on cloud solutions. Furthermore, around 80% application (in contrary to 20% today) will be working on cloud systems. They are refereeing to revolutionary Cloud 2.0 technology that provides absolute customization to fulfil specific needs of any business sector. Cloud computing will have great impact on current market, because it is predicted to increase automatic processes within IT services up to 80%.
What is a cloud computing?
It is basically model of providing services from external infrastructures. The most common cloud computing products are Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive. They provide an instant access to unlimited data from every device with Internet connection. Recent cloud computing solutions enable using popular applications without having them installed on our device (i.e. Microsoft Power Point). Those clouds have public status and they come from the biggest purveyors on the market –, Google or Microsoft.
Pros and cons of cloud computing implementation
Below are some of the biggest advantages and risks within accustoming IT structures to cloud computing technology.
First of all, it is much easier to recover any potentially loosen data. In case of some disaster with hardware there is a high chance you won’t be able to retrieve some of the records. It is not the case with properly protected cloud. On the contrary, matter of security is compromised, because network access is currently more prone to attacks. If you decide to put some crucial data into the cloud, make sure you are properly secured.
Second advantage is the flexibility of cloud solutions. Having opportunity to access essential data at any time and any place you currently are is priceless. It is also worth mentioning, that more than 70% application users are using portable devices. Cloud computing is well optimized whether you are using your laptop, tablet or smart phone. We are obliged though to mention about network stability – in case of connection issues, you might be in a undesirable position.
Last but not least is the investment and environmental matter. At first, the costs might seem overwhelming, but in the long term they will gradually fade out. Perhaps feeling of saving the planet will convince you though – some researches show that cloud computing technologies will decrease CO2 emission by 30%.
If you are interested in implementing cloud technology in you company, there is more information about that thread at
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